Registration for 2021-2022 will officially open for all our current SWS families on January 11th.

Registration Process & Forms

Registration will open for new families on Monday, February 1st.

In the 2021-2022 school year we will offer the following classes:

2-day AM or PM preschool, 3-day AM or PM preschool.(Please see the classes page for more information.)


First Grade

Second Grade

Third / Fourth Grade

Fourth / Fifth Grade

After School Spanish Enrichment

Middle School – AM Spanish 4   2-days/week

Middle School – AM Spanish 2/3  3-days / week



Taking into account the rise in costs, the need to expand our classrooms while keeping our class sizes small, continuing to hire outstanding teachers, and comparing our tuition to surrounding schools, we will be raising tuition and fees by 10% for the 2021-2022 school year.