
Students will be able to join any small group meeting on Monday and Tuesday to ask questions.

We will have a final meeting on Thursday in Google Meets with both teachers!

This week we will finish learning about Three Dimensional Shapes. Our objectives will be:

  • Identify and classify prisms and pyramids
  • Identify the solid figures that can be formed from a net
  • Identify and classify cylinders, spheres, and cones

Videos will be available for Chapter 16 on Google Classroom over the summer. I strongly recommend that students complete the Chapter 16 pages in their workbook, as well as the chapter reviews and the full year review.


This week we will continue learning about The Civil War. Our objectives will be:

  • Explain how the Dred Scott decision, John Brown’s raid, and the election of 1860 increased the disagreements between the North and the South.
  • Describe the challenges Lincoln faced when he took office.