There will not be any 1-On-1 English meetings during Spring Break unless requested. There will be optional materials posted on the Google Classroom that students may complete, there will also be an optional Group Meeting on Friday for English at 9:00am.

History & Geography

When we return from Spring Break we will begin learning about U.S. Geography. Our objectives will be:

  • Describe the location of the United States in the Western Hemisphere and in North America, and the
    water and land that surround the United States.
  • Name their own state capital and the governor of their state
  • Identify the New England region on a map of the United States, and describe its climate.
  • Describe the geographical features, climate, and population of the Mid-Atlantic region.


When we return from Spring Break we will continue learning about Percents. Our objectives will be:

  • to use different ways to find the number represented by a percent
  • solve real-world problems involving percents
  • review skills from the chapter
  • complete the chapter test

Lectura y Ciencias

Dear families,

What a wonderful week we had. I am so happy to see everyone transitioning so smoothly into their new daily routines. Students did such a great job getting their assignments ready, turning in their homework and participating during our videoconferences.

Next week, during spring break, we will not have our regular Zoom meetings. I will be available via email and Google Classroom. Students do have one writing assignment. They have to write a paragraph about their favorite hobby, or their favorite thing to do during this time at home. They have the writing rubric – please have your child find this assignment on Google Classroom. Students are expected to continue to practice their reading during the week. Reading in Spanish has never been so easy. Everybody has access to multiple online reading resources, utilize them!  We have read up to chapter 4, in our book La llamada de la selva. We will continue with chapter 5 after spring break.

In science, please stay tuned to hear about the development or our organisms.

In science, please stay tuned (via Google Classroom) to hear about the development or our organisms.

I hope everyone has a wonderful, well deserved, spring break and a happy Easter! Enjoy the beautiful weather, work on some fun family projects and make memories for life!