History & Geography



This week in Spanish, we spent most of our time working on our science investigations. We did have a chance to do our regular spelling and grammar routines. If your child was absent, they will be taking their spelling quiz on Monday!

Due to having quite a few students out this week, we will be starting our literature studies on Monday.

Obra de teatro: Cómo domar al monstruo de plástico.



Plant Nutrition

This week we continued with our plant nutrition investigation. Students planted wheat seeds in containers of soil and placed half of the planters in a lighted environment and the other half in a dark environment. Students read about the action of chlorophyll and its role in the manufacture of sugar. After 7 days, they took out and checked the plants to find out if their hypothesis were correct. We wanted to take this investigation one step further, experiment and observe how photosynthesis works! Please ask your child to tell you all about their results!

Animal Nutrition

Students investigated how animals acquire nutrients for their cells by eating and digesting food. We have been observing the growth and changes of another organism – the painted lady butterfly. We are seeing it go through its life cycle. Our larvae have grown so much in the past week and we are excited to see them get into the next developmental stage soon.

The human digestive system was explored through our FOSS reading assignment. If your child was absent, they can access FOSSweb from home and read the chapter El sistema digestivo humano (26 – 27). Students have also been assigned to continue to read their science books, Alimentos y nutrición, up to page 16. 

Estudiantes midiendo el largo de su intestino delgado.

Estudiantes midiendo el largo de su intestino delgado.