Students shared that they prefer to have their assignments separated by the week (and again by English and Spanish.) We listened and have only posted assignments in the Week 35 English topic and the Week 35 Spanish topic.  (The choice board still works and we have updated the links.) We chose not to include specialists or ‘extra’ assignments in these postings.  Those items can still be found by going directly to those topics.

La Lectura

ThBitmoji Imageis week’s learning objectives are:

  • This week we will read “La reina no puede reír:”
  • We will identify 4 important supporting details to help us better understand what we have read.
  • We will also work to show our reading comprehension by answering questions in complete sentences on “La bandera nueva nación.”
  • We will write for a purpose and edit our writing before submitting it.


making bread

Las matemáticas

Our learning objectives this week are:

  • To read scales in kilograms and grams.
  • Estimate and find actual masses of objects by using different scales.
  • Convert units of measurement.
  • Estimate and find the volume of liquid in liters and milliliters.
  • Find the volume and capacity of a container.
  • Convert units of measurement.

I am hoping to take this week’s lessons into the kitchen!  I will show the kiddos how to use these measurement skills to bake something….but then I’m concerned that I’ll have to eat it all….



This week our learning objectives for science are to:

Describe examples that indicate the environment can affect an organism’s physical and behavioral traits.

Use evidence to explain cause-and-effect relationship between the amount of food an animal gets and its growth.



Weekly objectives:

Identify John Rolfe, chief Powhatan, and Pocahontas.

Explain how the development of tobacco as a cash crop helped the Virginia colony succeed.

Describe the first laborers brought to Virginia.

Know the definition of: tobacco, cash crop, self-government, disease, and indentured servant.