Week 33 2nd/3rd Grade News

La Lectura

This week we are really reading for fluency.  Students have been assigned Una fábrica muy peculiar and El dinero.  Students will read these aloud for fluency and understanding.  They will complete the graphic organizer in their red journal and graphic organizer on the El dinero page.

Students can track their reading on their new reading chart.  (They move a statue each time they have read one of their Spanish lecturas aloud.)


Las matemáticas

This week in our small groups (Tuesdays & Thursdays) we will work on solving real-world problems involving addition and subtraction of money. (10.3)


  • Attend math small group lessons on Tuesdays and Thursdays
  • Complete assigned math workbook pages to practice what we learned in our lessons.
  • Complete daily mathfactspro practice to recall math facts more quickly.
  • Complete the next 4 math review pages and check them against my posted answers (Repaso pages are in their materials)

repaso semana 33

GOOGLE MEETS office hour on Wednesdays 1:00-2:00 to ask for help on anything!



This week our objectives will be to:

Identify and describe each stage of the life cycle of a chicken and a mouse

Identify and describe each stage of the life cycle of a butterfly and a frog


History & Geography

This week our goals will be to:

*Understand why the Virginia Company founded Jamestown

*Identify John Smith

*Summarize why the colony almost failed the first year.

*Locate on a map Chesapeake Bay and the James River

*Understand the meaning of the following vocabulary: council, gentleman, deck and palisade

(These were mentioned in last weekś newsletter but we did not make it to this chapter)


Week 32 2nd/3rd Grade News

We SOOOOO enjoyed seeing all of you on Wednesday!!


La lectura

This is the graphic organizer page we will be working with this week. It was delivered in Wednesday’s materials.

This week our learning objectives are:

  • Read every single day – OUT LOUD- to help read more smoothly, with more fluency.
  • Listen to several stories in kidsa-z.com in order to hear Spanish being read fluently.
  • Read book 18: El viaje de Ramón and then complete a graphic organizer to show understanding of the elements from the story.
  • Write, in your own words (Spanish) to describe what is happening in the weekly writing.  REVIEW and EDIT before turning it in (check for sentence structure, concordancia, capitals and punctuation).

Las matemáticas

Our math objectives this week are to:

  • Practice math facts each day (to get faster!)
  • Complete 4 daily review sheets and check answers in Google Classroom.
  • Subtract money in different ways with and without regrouping.
  • Practice our math lessons by completing workbook pages and then checking your work and understanding by watching the videos in Google Classroom for each workbook page.



This week our science objectives are:

* Students will be able to describe the changes expected in a planted seed.

* Identify and describe each stage of the life cycle of a chicken and a mouse.

* Identify and describe each stage of the lifecycle of a butterfly and a frog.


History & Geography

Our objectives will be to:

* Understand why the Virginia company founded Jamestown.

*Identify John Smith.

* Summarize why the colony almost failed and its first year.

Week 31 2nd/3rd Grade News

Weekly Choice Board: https://classroom.google.com/u/1/c/NTA4Nzk3MTI0ODha/a/Njg3NzcwMzAzMzZa/details

Students have the option to “color in” their weekly board as they complete assignments.

La Lectura (about 15-20 minutes of work each day after reading)

This week the students will:

  • Read book 17 fluently “La misteriosa casa de la abuela”
  • Identify the main idea and supporting details in the story.
  • Use reading strategies to identify or work around unfamiliar vocabulary.
  • Complete a weekly writing assignment and make corrections (capitals, punctuation, complete sentences, noun-verb agreement, gender agreement)
  • Read “Chinches” and answer reading comprehension questions in complete sentences (in the Google Doc so I can easily see their answers and make corrections).

Talent Show from a week ago!

Las matemáticas (about 20 minutes of work each day)

This week we will begin our Money unit! Our learning goals for this week are:

  • Correctly identify all coins and bills
  • add money in different ways with and without regrouping
  • subtract money in different ways with and without regrouping
  • Continue practicing math facts daily

We will continue to work in our small math groups of 4 on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  The feedback from the kiddos was that they LOVE the small groups! It would be great if they were able to bring coins and a dollar bill to their math meetings this week!

11:00-11:30 – Aleya, Eden, Evely, Evie

1:00-1:30 – Maya, Maria, Cata, Ellie

1:35-2:05 – Penelope, Bella, Rachel, Bryce

2:10-2:40 – Sam, Owen, Frederick, Andres

The students also have a review packet of everything we’ve done so far this year in math and can complete that as extra practice (some kiddos are asking for more, more, more!!).  I will post answers for those who want to do this.


This week our main objectives in science will be to:

This week our main objectives in science are to:

*Explain how humans affect ecosystems in the environment

explain how humans affect ecosystems in the environment

*Describe and identify human made threats to the environment

*Explain why sometimes animals must leave their habitats when the natural balance is lost

Explain why sometimes animals must leave their habitats when the natural balance is lost

*Identify different types of resources including renewable and nonrenewable

identify different types of resources including renewable and nonrenewable

*Explain the importance of conservation and recycling to the health of the environment

Explain the importance of conservation and recycling to the health of the environment

*Identify different ways to protect and restore the environment

History & Geography

We are starting a new unit on The Thirteen Colonies.

This week our objectives will be to:

*explain why the settlers came to America

*Identify the three colonial regions: New England, the middle colonies, and the southern colonies.

Identify the three colonial regions: New England, the middle colonies, and the southern colonies.

*Summarize the importance of the colonies chief port cities in the development of trade and government: Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Charleston.

*Explain the differences in climate from north to south in the corresponding differences in agriculture.






Week 30 2nd/3rd Grade News

La Lectura y las matemáticas

This week we are going to have Whole Group lessons on Mondays and Fridays at 1:00.

On Monday the class will discuss dividing into smaller groups for Zoom meetings on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The groups times for Math Zoom Meetings on Tuesdays and Thursdays will be:

1:00-1:30            1:35-2:05      2:10-2:40          2:45-3:15

We will have 4 students in each math session. Meeting information will be the same.

I will also have an open hour on Wednesdays 1:00-2:00 for anyone who has questions or needs help.  (I will post the meeting information each Wednesday.)

We continue to read, acquiring new vocabulary and new awareness of sentence structures.  Please ask your child to retell you their story.  Retelling has SO much value. The importance of retelling stories is that it allows students to learn to organize and describe events, which enhances reading comprehension. … Retelling stories helps language learners begin to understand sequence, plot, and characterization as they build vocabulary and comprehension skills.

Weekly writing assignments allows students to use their vocabulary, grammar and language awareness in context, while asking them to create something new.

Our math objectives this week will be:

  • use bar models to solve two-step word problems
  • choose the correct operation to solve two-step word problems
  • review and test on all concepts learned so far


This week our science objectives will be to:

~Explain why nature ad ecosystems are not static but are constantly changing

~Describe the balance of nature in an ecosystem

~Explain how changes in an ecosystem are caused by natural events and by humans

~Explain why animals must leave their habitat when natural balance is lost

Explain how ecosystems are affected by changes in the environment

History and Geography

This week our history goal will be to:

Work cooperative in pairs to research an European explorer and present their findings to the class on Friday.  They will research the following:

Where and when the explorer was born?

What country did the explorer sail for?

What were they trying to find?

Information on their voyages: name of ships, dates, what did they actually find, how many voyages, route/s they took

What is the most important thing that came from their exploration

Any additional and/or interesting information

Draw a picture of the explorer and/OR dress up as that explorer for the presentation on Friday



Week 29 2nd/3rd Grade News

Spring Break

April 6- April 10 is our Spring Break.  We won’t be assigning new work during this week but will continue to have our Zoom meetings as a way to stay connected. Students can continue to work through things in the Google Classroom as they find they have extra time.

Happy Easter!

Daily Schedules

We thought it might be helpful to provide a breakdown of our day.   Here is a basic checklist of what your child should continue working on each day.

English in the morning and Spanish in the afternoon.

There are many other learning opportunities listed in Google Classroom.


We have created a weekly schedule that acts as a checklist for the students to “color” as they work through their week.  We will post that schedule after spring break. Here’s what it looks like: (The links in this picture are not active.)

Students will have their own copy each week and can “color” in each square as they complete it. The links in each square take them straight to the assignment in their Google Classroom.  No more searching around!


Have a very happy Easter and a great spring break!

Covid-19, Supporting and talking with our Children

This was recommended as a resource with tips on how parents should talk to their kids about COVID-19, and gives some good advice like the importance of creating and maintaining routines.


(Tip: the intro is a big long.  You can skip ahead to get to the good stuff!)


Week 28 2nd/3rd Grade News

La Lectura

Our learning objectives for week 28 will be:

  • Read EVERY day. Talk about what they are reading.
  • Form sentences with different verbs (checking on noun-verb agreement) (Worksheet: Ruleta de Verbos)
  • Complete a Google Slide paragraph writing assignment to describe a picture.  (Verbs, Capitalization, punctuation, spelling, accents, adjectives).
  • Kidsa-z.com Record themselves reading the assigned reading. Retell the story in their own words (record this too). Answer comprehension questions.
  • Read: Piel de gallina (worksheet).  More than once.  Answer comprehension questions in complete sentences.  (Mark where you found your answer in the story by putting the question #.)
  • Create an Adjective chart/poster/Google Slide/ page in your Lectura notebook. (12-20 adjectives)
  • Use adjectives to be more descriptive in speech and writing.


Las matemáticas

Learning objectives:

  • Solidify math facts (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) through daily practice (mathfactspro.com or flashcards)
  • Daily math facts quiz on Google Classroom
  • Use bar models to solve two-step word problems.
  • Choose the correct operations to solve two-step word problems.
  • Daily review (green packet). Check their answers against mine in Google Classroom.



This week our learning goals will be to:

*Explain my nature and ecosystems are not static that are constantly changing.

*Describe the balance of nature in an ecosystem.

*Explain how changes in an ecosystem are caused by natural events and by humans.

*Explain why sometimes animals must leave their habitats when the natural balance is lost.

*Explain how ecosystems are affected by the changes in the environment.


History & Geography

This week our learning objectives will be to:

*Describe North America’s geography, including the following locations: Canada, Newfoundland, and the Hudson river.

*Summarize the attempts of Cabot and Hudson to find the Northwest passage.

*Describe Cabot’s and Hudson’s explorations.

*Understand the meaning of the following Vocabulary: merchant, trading center, fleet, northwest passage, and mutiny.


Week 27 2nd/3rd Grade News

Here are the learning objectives for your child for next week.

(All links for their assignments are located in the Google Classroom.)

Zoom Meetings scheduled with Ms. Jill – 10:00 Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays

Zoom Meetings scheduled with Maestra Sarah – 1:00 Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays

We will see how this goes this first week.  Please provide feedback to let us know how it’s going!

La Lectura

  • Read daily. kidsa-z.com or books from home
  • Assigned librito: #16 Bienvenidos al gran desfile (we will read together and discuss in Zoom)
  • Identify subjects, verbs, adjectives in book #16 (we will discuss and asking in Zoom and Google Classroom)
  • Free write in their journal (cuaderno rojo – red journal)
  • One Weekly Writing prompt (cuaderno rojo – red journal)
  • Subject -Verb sentence practice – Workheet: Búsqueda de oraciones and Ruleta de verbos
  • Create an adjective poster (or journal entry if you don’t have poster board or big paper).  They can look up adjectives they want to use. They will share this during a Zoom meeting and then use their adjectives in their journals.


Las matemáticas

  • Complete a daily multiplication quiz (I’m working on getting Division up and running but they could time themselves to get faster!)
  • MathFactspro.com
  • Complete a daily review sheet (from the packet sent home) before our 1:00 Zoom meeting.
  • Math journal: Problems of the day (Zoom)
  • Introduction to Bar Models: Multiplication and Division (Zoom and worksheets)



This week our goals will be to:

  • Describe and provide an example of a habitat
  • Explain why certain organisms live in certain habitats and how they adapt to those habitats
  • Describe and provide an example of an ecosystem
  • Describe how organisms in an ecosystem depend on each other and their environment
  • Describe what happens in a food chain
  • Classify members of a food chain as producers, consumers, or decomposers
  • Explain why nature and ecosystems are not static that are constantly changing
  • Describe the balance of nature in an ecosystem
  • Explain how changes in an ecosystem are caused by natural events and by humans


History & Geography

This week our Early Exploration History goals will be to:

  • Describe North America’s geography, including the locations of the Grand Canyon and the Rio Grande
  • Summarize the legend of El Dorado
  • Describe the search for El Dorado
  • Describe the explorations of Coronado
  • Understand the meaning of the following vocabulary: rain forest, plain, livestock, and canyon, and the phrase “scouting party”


Art with Ms. Kelly


Hi everyone! During our last art classes at SWS, the 1st Grade and 2nd&3rd Grade students were learning about the Canadian artist Emily Carr who painted many beautiful forest scenes. The students started a painting project of trees using texture rubbings and tempera paint. (These are still on the drying rack at school). A similar project can be created using crayons, and white copy paper or any white drawing paper you have on hand, and corrugated cardboard.

Website: vanartgallery.bc 

Look at Emily Carr’s painting called “Red Cedar”

1. Draw 2 vertical lines to create a large tree trunk that touches the bottom and top of your paper. Draw a horizontal line behind this tree, and add 2 more tree trunks.

2. Place a piece of corrugated cardboard under the tree trunks and use the side of a black crayon to rub on top of the tree trunk shapes.

3. Color the tree trunks using at least 3 crayon colors on each tree trunk, but NO BROWN crayons! Try to make each tree trunk different by layering several colors. Color in the foreground and background with greens, yellows, blues.

If you have some heavier drawing paper or watercolor paper, you can add watercolor over the crayon to enrich the colors!

Another Math and Art project was also posted on Google Classrooms!