El Sistema Solar

20180207_10272120180209_135209This week we continued working with the solar system. We worked with the kiddos towards learning the names of each planet.

The four planets that are closest to the Sun are Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. Mars is  known as the Red Planet. Mercury and Venus are the only planets that have no moon.

Also, we talked about the four planets farthest from the Sun which are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. They learned that these planets are formed of gases. They learned that the beautiful rings of Saturn are formed by pieces of ice, as well as Jupiter that has thirty-nine moons.

It was fascinating to work with the children this week as they were very interested in learning about each planet. The children did different activities like, making the planet Earth and puzzles with the planets. Also, the children chose three planets and painted them with their favorite watercolor.



This week the kids reviewed these consonant letters with the vowels: M, S, P, T, N, F, L, D, and B.

We did activities like letters games, letter recognition, bingo, and singing the vowels song.



This week we spent a lot of time with the number 10/número diez. Children did different classroom activities, like counting and recognizing the number diez/ten, sorting and counting piles of manipulatives. They traced the number diez/ ten and played memory numbers games as well.


20180206_101804La Figura y Color

This week we continued working with the corazon/heart shape. The kids could play through the shape tracing the shape with their fingers. As well, the kids were passing around the shape so they could examine its form up close. They reinforced this shape by making hearts with their hands. They looked all around the classroom for the Corazon/heart shape. We also continued reinforcing the colors they have learned as rojo/red, azul/blue, verde/green, amarillo/yellow, purpura/purple, and rosado/pink.

Have a good weekend!
