img_3513This week, we continued with Nursery Rhymes/ Rimas Infantiles. The kiddoss learned Tres Ovejas/ the three sheep, and Itzi, Bitzi Araña/ Itzy, Bitzy Spider.

Tres ovejas:

Tengo, tengo, tengo

Tú no tienes nada,

Tengo tres ovejas en una cabaña

Una me da leche,

Otra me da lana,

Otra mantequilla toda la semana,

Caballito blanco, llevame de aqui,

Llevame hasta el pueblo, donde yo nací.

(Tres Ovejas)



La Araña

Itzi, Bitzi Araña subió su telaraña,

vino la lluvia y se la llevó.

Salió el sol se secó la lluvia.

Y Itzi, Bitzi Araña otra vez subió.



The kids had fun playing with these rhymes and singing.  They love to sing and had a fun time dancing and singing the learning nursery rhymes. They did different activities related to the rhymes like puzzles, making sheep, making horses and spide projects.


Vocabulary we learned this week:






Lana, wool,





This week reviewed the vowels ( A, E, I, O ,U) and letters Mm, Nn, Ss, Pp, Tt, and Ff. Be sure to point out the letter that we practice when you are reading. The English letter names can be pronounced as, M (em), N (en), P (pi), S (es), and T(ti). While the Spanish letter name pronunciation is; M(eme), N(ene), S(ese), P (pe), T (te), and F (eh feh). Some examples, mamá/mother, manzana/apple. Nido/nest, naranja/ orange,sopa/soup, sandía/watermelon, Papá/father, pelota/ball, tomate/tomato, tortuga/turtle,  foco/lightbulb, fútbol/soccer, falda/skirt.



We worked with and reviewed the number 8/número ocho. The kiddos did a good job counting and recognizing the number 8 with different activities. Counting ocho/eight shapes as circles drawing and coloring numero/number ocho/eight.

La Figura y el Color

This week kids started learning the oval shape (óvalo). We talked about it as the kids passed around the shape so they could examine the shape up close. They had the opportunity to see that the oval shape is like an egg. We also incorporated this into our color  study: purple/morado.

Have a great long weekend!

Macky 🙂