October is here! And we started working with “The five Senses” “Los Cinco Sentidos” theme. We also introduced the children to the fall season through projects where they identified the autumnal season. During this theme of sensory experiences your child will identify, compare and classify items as they investigate the world around them. We are going to explore the five senses of touch, sight, smell, taste and sound during this month. Therefore, we started this week with the sense of sight. We worked with a fantastic book, “Brown Bear, brown Bear, What Do You See? / Oso Café, Oso Café, Que Es Lo Que Tu Ves? The narrator of this book asks various animals what they see with the response usually being another animal, the respondent is then asked what they themselves see, and the process is repeated. It features a
20171006_142205Brown Bear/ Oso Café,
Red Bird/Pájaro Rojo,
Yellow Duck/ Pato Amarillo
Blue Horse/Caballo Azul
Green Frog/rana Verde
Purple Cat/Gato Morado
White Dog/ Perro Blanco
Black Sheep/ Cordero Negro
Goldfish/ Pez Dorado
The kiddos were fascinated with this wonderful book, and learning our new vocabulary. In addition, we were working in different activities that helped them to build up their fine motor skills. We did projects such as a sequencing hat Brown Bear, Brown Bear/ Oso Café, bear puppets, and autumn handprint tree.
This week we continued working with vowels. The letter of the week was Ii. The kids recognized the vowel Ii in our daily reading, and they practiced the letter Ii doing different activities like tracing letter I i using their finger first and then, they tracing with crayons and markers. We did letter Ii on the classroom board. We read a book of the letter Ii. The English Letter Ii can be pronounced (ai). While the Spanish pronunciation is (ee). As example;
Insignia/insignia or emblem,
This week we continued working with number 3. We had a fun time playing and using some items for sorting and counting. Sorting helps children see differences and similarities. We did activities such as counting three fingers and tracing number 3,
La Figura y Color
This month we started with the square shape (cuadrado), and blue (azul) color. I talked about it with the kids passing around the shape, so the children could examine this shape up close. We compare different sizes of the square shape. Also, they did an activities as tracing blue square and drawing robots, presents, dice and windows.