
This week we continued learning to add two-digit numbers and one-digit numbers by grouping the two-digit number into a 10 and ones using place value.

Our objectives were to:

  • Add using doubles facts.
  • Memorize doubles facts up to 9+9 (please try this at home too so they become automatic.)
  • Recognize doubles in addition sentences.
  • Identify doubles plus one facts (6+7 is the double 6+6 plus 1)


20180202_092851_resizedHistory & Geography

This week in our Early American Civilization unit we continued to read about the Aztec civilization.  The class had fun planning their Aztec headdress. We will be making these in class next week.  We also watched a short film on Groundhog day.

Our objectives this week were to:
• understand that the Aztec farmed
• identify the area which the Aztec lived
• understand the Aztec have leaders
• identify the Aztec capital as Tenochtitlan
• recognize by name the emperor of.the Aztec, Moctezuma.


measuring pineapple

                        measuring pineapple

This this week in our science unit our focus has been on how matter changes. We read a matter book and began working on a class book.  We also cut up a pineapple into slices and measured it’s diameter and then began to dry it in the window. We will mearsure it again next week looking for proof of evaporation and how matter can change.
Our objectives this week were to:

• understand there are three forms of matter; solid, liquid, or gas
• understand that matter can change or be a mixture.
20180130_112147_resized_1• measure matter and observe changes over time.

English Word Work

This week we got our new sorts for spelling on Friday.  Green group I worked on short i, o, u, and beginning blends. Blue group worked on k, wh, qu, tw, diagraphs,  Red group had v, y, and z sound sorts.

Reading buddies

       Reading buddies

Word wall words were: got, does, just
Vocabulary words were: chinampas, mixture, emperor
In our journal we wrote about Groundhog day.


Music with Ms. Erin
In January the Kindergarten and 1st grade class learned vocal warm-ups for safe singing, learned and sang many well-known songs along with movement, and increased their recognition of note values and rhythm patterns.
In February they will be:
– Learning about the opera
– Hearing the story of Hansel and Gretel while listening to music from the story’s opera
– Listening to and singing famous love songs on Valentine’s Day
– Learning about jazz music, and listening to various styles of jazz
– Introduced to jazz musician Louis Armstrong