
This week we read several stories from our animals unit.  Our learning objectives were to:

  • Discuss the purpose for reading poetry.
  • Identify main idea and details in a poem. (El gusanito de seda)
  • Practice final consonant substitution in our oral blending.
  • List information provided in an expository text (Las arañas)
  • Introduce antonyms, discuss words that are opposite in meaning.
  • Review that adjectives are words that describe.
  • Draw conclusions based on clues (el cangrejo ermitaño)
  • Review the three types of sentences: telling, asking, and strong feeling.
  • Review the three types of end marks used for each type of sentence.


This week we wrapped up our geometry unit with a big test.  We tried to instill an excitement for the test, that it was there time to show what they know!  The students did a great job.  The learning objectives for our geometry unit were:

  • identify, classify, and describe plane and solid shapes
  • make same and different shapes
  • divide shapes into two and four equal parts
  • describe the whole as the sum of its parts
  • understand that dividing a whole into more equal parts creates smaller parts
  • identify plane and solid shapes in real life
  • use plane and solid shapes to identify, extend, and create patterns

History & Geography20171214_102827_resized

This week we finished  our unit on the World’s 3 major religions.  We finished our class chart and took our assessment. On Thursday we celebrated by trying holiday foods from special celebrations of each religion.  We also made representations of the symbols from each religion as well.

20171214_105412_resizedOur objectives this week were to:
• locate Israel, the Middle East, and Jerusalem on a map
• review similarities and differences between the 3 major world religion
• identify the symbols and key holidays for these religions
• name three important prophets that we have learned about
20171214_105419_resized• contribute interesting facts from this unit to a class chart20171214_110612_resized


This week in our Animals and habitat we talked about destruction and endangered species. The students shared information and their experiences that related to this topic.  I was impressed by how much this topic means to and impacts these five and six year olds.
Our objectives this week were to:

• understand how humans can effect  habitats
• identify the characteristics of a bald eagles’ habitat
• understand why and how habitat destruction can cause extinction
• understand that living things live in habitats to which they are particularly suited

English Word Work

This week in spelling the Red group worked on b,m,r,s sounds, the Blue group focused on the initial consonant blends bl, sl, and pl. Green group worked on soft vowels i and u in easy cvc words.  In our journals this week we wrote about our celebration. Our word wall words this week were: are, all, from, long, went, will, them, then.  Our vocabulary words this week were: destroy, endangered, similarities, and species.


IMG_2389 IMG_2388Art with Ms. Kelly: 

The students learned how to make 2 different kinds of snowmen this month. The first one was made from both cut and torn paper, and focused on the snowman’s head. We read Lois Ehlert’s “Snowmen” book to see her fun snowmen collage pictures. After drawing the outline, the students filled in the snowman’s head and body with torn white paper to create texture. Then they learned how to use basic shapes to cut out the eyes, nose, hat, scarf, and a bird sitting on the carrot.

In the second snowman picture, the students used a black crayon to draw the outline, and then they used watercolor paints and salt to create a snowy background. This was a directed drawing and painting activity, and the students did a great job following directions and creating very cute snowmen!

The students are also learning about the Elements of Art (line, shape, color, texture, form) which are used in various degrees in all art forms.

Have a wonderful holiday!

IMG_5757Character Education with Ms. Jennie: A huge thank you to all the SWS community for making our 3rd Annual Giving Tree for Share a BIG success. Our van was stuffed full of holiday goodness! Thank you for your kindness and generosity to help those less fortunate!