
B456EC9A-FA79-483A-8809-0B4224DBF063This week we were very fortunate to have maestra Sarah come into our class to give us feedback about the formal letters she received  from our fourth/fifth grade glass. Maestra Sarah expressed how impressed she was, not only by our students’ accomplished writing  but also, the brilliant ideas students suggested, to improve our school. Maestra Sarah is already considering a timeline to implement the ideas. Thank you maestra Sarah!

Also in literacy, we read Apolo 11: el primer alunizaje. It was such a fascinating narrative non-fiction piece about the spaceflight that landed the first humans on the Moon. Students had a chance to apply all reading skills learned to this point. And with that interesting read, we have concluded our literacy unit Our Corner of the Universe. We certainly had a lot fun during this unit – it will be hard to top. Students don’t have spelling sentences this week.



Sophia presenting her research project to the class.

We could have not concluded our science studies in a better way. Students did an outstanding job throughout the project – during the planning and writing stages. They identified their area of study, did thorough research contrasting different sources, and  spent time carefully crafting their piece. Finally, they submitted their final copy the way it was required.   The presentations reached a whole new level of excellence. I am so proud of our students’ work and cannot wait to see where we go next!

History & Geography


Playing Constitution Scoot

This week we finished out constitution unit. Our objectives were:

  • understand who the Federalists and Anti federalists were as well as what they favored
  • Know the important individuals that contributed to the Constitutional Convention
  • review the information learned in the Constitution unit by playing Constitution Scoot
  • review the information learned in the Constitution unit by filling out study guide
  • demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the constitution, including the Articles of Confederation, the preamble, the Bill of Rights, and important contributors on the unit test



Working on our Merry Math!

This week we finished our multiplication and division of fractions unit. Our objectives were:

  • Solve real-world problems involving multiplication and division in fractions
  • review multiplying and dividing with fractions by making division trees, multiplication gingerbread houses, and multiplication and division candy cane wreaths

Our unit test will be on Monday!

English Word Work


Opening our holiday gifts!

This week we continued our rotation. Our rotation days were:

  • Teacher meeting:
  • Vocabulary day: We began working with a vocabulary book that is helping us review grammar and introducing us to new vocabulary words. This week our lesson was about synonyms. The words we chose to add to out word wall are receptacle and blunder.
  • Spelling City:
  • Writer’s Workshop:

Our spelling test will be on Monday December 18th!


IMG_2386 IMG_2384Art with Ms. Kelly: 

Holiday Pictures

Both the 2nd/3rd and 4th/5th graders learned how to use watercolors to paint holiday ornaments and how to use oil pastels to draw tree branches. The students combined these 2 media to make beautiful holiday pictures, some of which have been on the bulletin board at school. We talked about reflections, and using light and dark colors to make the ornaments look three-dimensional. The students layered different colors of oil pastels to create the texture of tree branches. All the students did a wonderful job on this project!

Holiday Decorations

The students also learned how to make a variety of paper holiday decorations: accordion pleated trees, paper “onion” shaped ornaments, and snowflakes using the quilling technique. I hope you enjoy these during the Holiday vacation, and possibly make some more at home!

Review of Art Portfolios

We sorted out all the artwork that the students have created this school year and put it in individual folders/portfolios. We reviewed  the Art Elements (Line, Shape, Color, Value, Texture, Form) and shared examples of how each element was used in various works of art. The students already have a wonderful collection of very impressive artwork! Their portfolios are on a shelf in the supply room.

In January we’ll work on some Native American art, starting with a Dream Catcher.

Have a wonderful holiday!


IMG_5757Character Education with Ms. Jennie: A huge thank you to all the SWS community for making our 3rd Annual Giving Tree for Share a BIG success. Our van was stuffed full of holiday goodness! Thank you for your kindness and generosity to help those less fortunate!