

Our story of the week!

This week we read Un Lugar Secreto. Our objectives were:

  • understand 5 different types of story starters
  • review dialogue lines, commas in a list, verb tenses, and using capitals and punctuation in preparation for next week’s assessment
  • Use comprehension strategies such as monitoring and clarifying, summarizing, and visualizing to construct meaning from the text during the first half of the reading
  • Use comprehension skill Author’s purpose as students finish reading the story



Playing division games!


Playing division games!

This week we continued working with division. Our objectives were:

  • divide a 1-digit or a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number with or without a remainder
  • Use different strategies to identify odd and even numbers
  • Use base-ten blocks and place value to divide 2-digit numbers without regrouping or remainders
  • Use base-10 blocks and place value to divide 2-digit numbers by a 1-digit number with regrouping, with or without remainders

History & Geography

Social studies with Ms. Marci20180111_131315_resized
This week we were finishing our Roman contribution opinion paragraphs .  The finished papers and projects are due on Tuesday January 16th.  Projects should be either a model or a poster board illustrating the student’s chosen contribution from Ancient Rome.  We will be presenting these to parents on Thursday the 18th at 2:30.   Students who finished early this week had the option of typing their papers and working on an interactive BBC site on Ancient Rome.  We also practiced our Roman play which we will be performing on the 18th as well.

IMG_2926Social Studies with Ms. Laura We learned about some of the many gods and goddesses worshiped by the Ancient Greeks and talked about the difference between fact and myth.  We made a family tree for the major Greek Gods.  We located Troy on the map and read a myth about the ten year long Trojan War.  We learned about the trick of the Trojan horse and drew our own large Trojan horse, complete with a trap door


This week we continued with our Light and Sound science domain.  We began reading our next section on Sound.  The class had fun doing a sound vibration experiment on Friday and they continue to enjoy singing our “Light and Sound” song.

20180112_142317_resizedOur objections were to:
• we call the sense of hearing and the corresponding sensory organ
• identify sound as a form of energy that travels and waves
• describe how sound waves travel in different mediums
• identify sources of sound
• compare and contrast light and sound
• describe how the intensity and frequency of vibrations affects the qualities of sound20180112_144237_resized

English Word Work

Everyone got there new sorts this week and worked on them in class. We had our spelling test on Friday.  In grammar we worked on verb tenses and comma’s in lists.  In our journals we used the word jovial in one entry and also wrote about the Martin Luther King Jr. after reading a story about his life.  The class then had the opportunity to share their entries with the class.